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Trump Declared Martial Law. Will the Right Denounce Him?

Earlier today, the White House ordered an illegal, fascist attack on peaceful demonstrators well within their First Amendment rights across the street from the White House so the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue could take a photo opp in a church. The attack was a first strike, completely unprovoked, and 30 minutes before a recent local curfew. By any meaningful measure of the law, the executive branch declared war on The People of the United States. We call on the ten congressional representatives in the Houston area and our two US Senators to immediately denounce these authoritarian actions without hesitation, equivocation, or hedging, both swiftly and directly. Explicitly, we call on the President’s colleagues in his party to side with The People over the fascist power that has been levelled at us. There is no middle ground on this issue. Attacking innocent civilians for practicing the First Amendment by invoking the Insurrection Act is an assault on each and every one of us and our Constitution. Sylvia Garcia and Sheila Jackson Lee have already made statements:

We expect John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, Dan Crenshaw, Randy Weber, Kevin Brady, Mike McCaul, Pete Olson, and Brian Babin to immediately denounce this assault. We expect the same from their colleagues across the aisle in Houston as well, including Lizzie Fletcher and Al Green. Which side are you on? Now is the time to tell us. Indivisible Houston will update this post as statements come out along with our commentary. ~~ Want to let your member of Congress know how you feel about this? Call them and tweet at them. SEN. JOHN CORNYN 713-572-3337 202-224-2934 806-472-7533 956-423-0162 512-469-6034 972-239-1310 210-224-7485 903-593-0902 @johncornyn SEN. TED CRUZ 713-718-3057 202-224-5922 903-593-5130 214-599-8749 210-340-2885 956-686-7339 512-916-5834 @tedcruz TX-2 REP. DAN CRENSHAW 281-446-0242 202-225-6565 @DanCrenshawTX TX-7 REP. LIZZIE FLETCHER (713) 353-8680 202-225-2571 @RepFletcher TX-8 REP. KEVIN BRADY 936-441-5700 202-225-4901 @repkevinbrady TX-9 REP AL GREEN 713-383-9234 202-225-7508 @repalgreen TX-10 REP MICHAEL MCCAUL 281-398-1247 512-473-2357 979-830-8497 281-255-8372 202-225-2401 @repmccaul TX-14 REP RANDY WEBER 409-835-0108 979-285-0231 281-316-0231 202-225-2831 @txrandy14 TX-18 REP SHEILA JACKSON LEE (713) 227-7740 (713) 861-4070 (202) 225-3816 @jacksonleetx18 TX-22 REP PETE OLSON 281-494-2690 (281) 485-4855 @reppeteolson TX-29 REP SYLVIA GARCIA (713) 923-7575 (202) 225-1688 @LaCongresista TX-36 REP BRIAN BABIN 832-780-0966 202-225-1555 409-883-8075 409-331-8066 844-303-8934 @repbrianbabin

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