Vivian King
Vote for Gemayel Haynes
in the May Runoff
Hey Harris County Democrats,
There’s an important election coming.
In the May runoff, a gifted attorney named Gemayel Haynes will face defeated DA Kim Ogg’s Chief of Staff Vivian King in a judicial race.
Just as Harris County Democratic Primary voters selected Sean Teare and defeated Ogg, we must vote for Gemayel Haynes and defeat Vivian King.
Ogg’s #2
Vivian King is the longtime chief of staff of Kim Ogg, whose office has become notorious for poor management, vindictiveness, and draconian policies. King and the Ogg Administration bucked the values of fairness and justice in favor of propagating rightwing misinformation about crime and perpetuating a broken legal system that serves no one.
The situation was so bad at the office that voters ousted Ogg 75%-25% with an enormous grassroots uprising and a strong campaign.
(See defeatkimogg.com for more details about the infamous Ogg-King Administration).

Irresponsible Law Practice
Before she was Ogg’s Chief of Staff, Vivian King messed up so badly as a defense attorney that a judge went out of their way to rebuke her for an “egregious” error in handling a case. King’s failure to file a form resulted in a 7 year delay, stealing years from a man's life. She blamed it on a typo, taking no responsibility for the error despite being the legal counsel for the defendant.
King’s Conflict of Interest
King was formerly a board member of Crimestoppers, which receives public funding from Harris County. During her time as a board member, she used her official government position to steer thousands of dollars to Crimestoppers, a private organization, for which she also served as an officer.
Vote Haynes!
Gemayel Haynes faces King in the runoff. A smart lawyer with a mind for justice, he previously worked under DA Pat Lykos, and has represented the state and clients in practically every major kind of criminal case.

Harris County voters have done an excellent job this primary cycle supporting reformist candidates like Christian Menefee, Sean Teare, and Allison Mathis over reactionaries like Kim Ogg and Ramona Franklin.
It is time for Harris County to again follow through for justice in the May runoffs by voting for Gemayel Haynes.
Election Information
Last Day to Register to Vote -
Monday, April 29, 2024
First Day of Early Voting -
Monday, May 20, 2024
Last Day to Apply by Mail -
(Received, not Postmarked)
Friday, May 17, 2024
Last Day of Early Voting -
Friday, May 24, 2024
Last Day to Receive Ballot by Mail -
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 (Election Day) at 7:00 p.m.
If carrier envelope is not postmarked, OR Wednesday, May 29, 2024 (next business day after Election Day) at 5:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is postmarked by 7:00 p.m. at the location of the election on Election Day (unless overseas or military voter deadlines apply)4
Learn more at Harrisvotes.com.

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