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Board of Directors for Indivisible Houston

Indivisible Houston Statement on DSCC Involvement in the Texas Senate Race

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

The DSCC’s decision to weigh in on the Texas Senate race directly encroaches on our democracy. By picking MJ Hegar – who declined to attend the Indivisible Texas Statewide Candidate Issue forum just last week – they have decided to put their thumb on the scale against the other candidates. They have decided to inject money and top-down, ivory tower influence into our home state.

In the 2018 election cycle, the Democratic Establishment weighed in on a local congressional primary when the DCCC decided to attack Laura Moser, a decision we abhorred and denounced for influencing the outcome of the race in the TX-07. They have had two years to take us seriously.

Yet yesterday, we learned not only of the DSCC’s decision to interject themselves into our Texas Senate race, but also several other major strategic and moral missteps by its counterpart in the House, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). We already knew that the DCCC had announced that they would blacklist any vendors that worked for candidates who challenged Democratic Party incumbents. But yesterday The Intercept reported that the DCCC itself continued to work with Republican candidates who challenged Democratic candidates last election cycle, and that vendors assisting those Republicans would be allowed to continue operating.

Worse, a newly-elected member of Congress (NJ-02) – who was carried over the finish line by the DCCC in a competitive 2018 primary! – is now poised to switch parties to defend Donald Trump. It is appalling that the DCCC – who claims to prioritize fighting Donald Trump – put their time, effort, resources, and energy into electing Jeff Van Drew. Van Drew is serving his own self interest by covering the backside of the White House at one of the most pivotal moments in the history of American democracy. This was an enormous failure.

We believe Texans are in charge of our own destiny: not Chuck Schumer, not Ben Lujan, and not anyone else in national Democratic politics who seeks to silence the voters. To the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee: Let the process play out. We The People of Texas can pick our own candidates, in both primary elections and in the general elections, without assistance or influence from systemically biased Beltway politicians. Signed,

Indivisible Houston

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