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Week 31 Action Items


Hi all! Hope you were able to enjoy Father's day with your families and friends yesterday. This week's email will be shorter than usual, but we've included some links for additional actions you can take once you've finished these. Just as it was last week, stopping the AHCA is our #1 priority, so if you can only do 1 action, make sure your Senators know you oppose the AHCA and their secrecy! Before we get into this week's actions, I wanted to take some time to address the shooting in Virginia earlier this week. Our movement is working for an America where ALL of us are respected, represented, and treated equally. While we work to hold our elected officials accountable, we do so respectfully, and with deference to the American ideals of democracy. That means that if we don't like what a politician does, we VOTE them out. Yes, Representative Scalise's actions to push through the AHCA were reprehensible. Yes, we respect his humanity. And no, violence is never the answer. Useful resource for finding your elected officials (save the numbers in your phone!!): Tips on effective communication with elected officials, see Chapter 4 Opportunity 4: Indivisible Guide: Local Advocacy Tactics that Work

  1. Call your Senators daily to voice your opposition to the AHCA This is a similar action as last week, but with more vigor. Health care is so vitally important to all of us that we must keep the pressure on! Senate GOP staff continue to keep the details of their version of the AHCA secret and are planning to vote on the bill as early as next Tuesday. If you called last week, call again this week! Ask your friends to call. Ask your family to call. Ask your neighbors to call! For more: Washington Post: Senate Leaders Plan to Rush a Vote Read: Indivisible Guide: Stop TrumpCare June Action Plan Script for Democrat Senators: Indivisible Guide: Withhold Consent Script Script for Republican Senators: Indivisible Guide: Stop TrumpCare Script Be social: Share these images and tweets, and use #withholdconsent

  2. Attend a Pride Parade June is Pride month, and in a year when LGBT rights are increasingly under attack, it's important that we all show up for equality. Find a parade: In your favorite search engine, type "Pride Parade" +your town Houston parade: Pride Houston: Saturday, June 24 8:30 - 11 pm Downtown Read: USA Today: How to be an LGBT Ally during Pride and Beyond Donate: Human Rights Campaign

  3. Attend a Summer of Resistance Cookout near you We've all been working incredibly hard at peaceful resistance, and many of us need a chance to unplug and recharge. Take a moment to celebrate your hard work and all that we've achieved. Find a cookout: Resistance Summer Community Cookouts Reminders on the importance of self-care: Ted Talks: The Importance of Self-Care Playlist

  4. Attend an Impeachment March on July 2 Through the last 6 months of his presidency, and during his campaign, Donald Trump has spread sexist, racist, xenophobic rhetoric that has emboldened some Americans. On top of that, questions of Russia's influence on our election still loom, now with allegations of obstruction of justice. On July 2, march in solidarity to demand a closer look into impeachment hearings. Find a march near you: Impeach Trump Marches Houstonians: Join our road trip to Austin's march For more: Time to Impeach? Need more actions? Check out these great resources:




For our Texans:

  1. Keep the fight up against SB4 Several Texas cities have joined a lawsuit against the State of Texas over SB4, the "show me your papers" bill that forces city police to question folks' immigration status if they're stopped for any reason. Even though the bill hasn't taken effect yet, it's already damaging our communities and at least one group has pulled their planned event from the state. Houston: Call your city council person and urge them to vote to join the lawsuit against SB4. Show up with United We Dream on Tuesday, June 20 from 12 - 4 pm at City Hall San Antonio: Show up on the day of the first hearing against SB4, Monday, June 26 8 am - noon at the US District Court

  2. Stand up for Texas civil liberties Remember that bill we talked about a few weeks back, the one that makes it legal for adoption agencies to discriminate based on religion, marital status, or sexual orientation? Well Governor Greg Abbott signed it into law last week, and we can't wait for the courts to deem it unconstitutional. For that to happen, there needs to be a strong case against it, with a legal team that works hard to uphold Texas civil liberties. ACLU Texas has been with Texans every step of the way this legislative session, and they are doing some incredible work. If you can, we suggest becoming a sustaining member. If you can't, any amount helps, or consider volunteering with them! Become a Monthly Donor: Fight Back Against Attacks on Our Civil Liberties Make a one-time gift: Support ACLU TexasVolunteer: Make a Positive Impact Learn: Act Much love, Marieke @actionsUSA

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