Hi all!
I hope you’re having a great week. We have a lot of work to do but it’s empowering to see so many lined up to do so much. It’s empowering to see so many people giving up their time, talents, and resources for this fight. This affects every one of us and I am honored to work with all of you.
That being said, let’s dive into the calls and activities this week!
1. Call your MoCs to Ensure DREAMers don’t lose in the Government Shutdown!
So far Senator Schumer and Representative Pelosi have held the line protecting DREAMers, unwilling to let these Americans get traded away like some bargaining chip. We need to keep the pressure on our own MoC’s to demand they pass a real spending bill that includes protections for our DREAMers!
Be an Ally: NILC.org Tips on How to be a Better Ally for Immigrants' RightsSay: DreamerPledge.org Call Script2. Call your MoCs and tell them to protect the Iranian nuclear deal. On Friday, Trump preserved the Iran nuclear deal - for now. But he again threatened to kill the deal next chance he gets, even though this deal is keeping us all safer and making war with Iran much less likely. It’s now up to Congress to decide whether they’re going to take Trump’s bait and edge us closer to war with Iran, or save the deal and prioritize peace and real security. Background: Indivisible.org: Fate of the Iran DealFor more: Politico: How Trump could kill the Iran Nuclear Deal in JanuarySay: Indivisible.org: Script to protect the deal 3. Call your MoCs and tell them that any infrastructure bills should not line the pockets of private investors. Generally when you hear about infrastructure spending, it's a good thing. Repairing roads and bridges, updating our energy grid, and keeping our drinking water safe all bring great benefits to our communities and help our businesses thrive. Unfortunately, the plan is likely to include selling off assets (privatizing them) or cutting other critical programs to find funds for infrastructure. That money will then be sent to private companies twice: once when the government subsidizes private investment in projects through tax credits, and again through the tolls that private companies put in place to pay back their investment. Private companies work to make a profit. Governments work to benefit their people. We need to keep the two separate. For more: Indivisible.org: Trump's Billionaire Infrastructure ScamRead: Chicago Tribune: Mixed Signals on Infrastructure Plan Say: "Hi, I'm a constituent of Senator/Representative _____ and I'm calling because I've heard the President plans to work his proposed infrastructure plan largely through private businesses. Private businesses are in the profit-making business and don't have my or my neighbors' interests as a priority. Infrastructure work is needed to get basic work and life done in our country and should be done for the benefit of all, not the profit of few. My zip code is _____." 4. Call your local school board to ensure your local schools are prioritizing voter education and voter pre-registration.
Generation Z is the generation after millennials, born between 1998 and 2016. They are the next generation of voters, and the time to educate them on civic engagement is now! In Texas high school principals are deputy voter registrars and are obligated register their students. It is our place to press them to honor this responsibility.
Research: Voter Pre-registration laws by stateRead: Texas Tribune: Texas Schools aren't registering high schoolers to voteSay: "Hi, I'm a parent/teacher/citizen/student in your district, and I'm calling to understand what our schools teach students regarding voter education and voter pre-registration?" If they give you a positive response: "Great! That's good to know. Our community and country rely on active, engaged citizens." If they give you a negative response: "Oh, that's unfortunate. Are there any resource limitations that are causing that not to occur? Is there any way I can help? As you know, our community and country rely on active, engaged citizens. We're doing students and our town a disservice by avoiding this topic."
For our Houston friends…
5. January General Meeting: Ground Game
Calling all progressive canvassers, campaigns, candidates, activists, precinct chairs and organizers:
2018 is a year destined to be full of action-packed elections, from primaries all the way through the general election. An impactful ground game machine can drastically change the psychology of the race, from sentiment to turnout to the final election day tally. It can also dramatically impact evergreen issues and off-year elections, particularly down-ballot.
Indivisible Houston's January meeting features several presenters with first-hand experience leading high-performance ground game efforts that sealed the deal for election day victories in Houston and beyond. We will also feature short pitches from several progressive canvassing organizations. After, campaigns and canvassers can mingle to discuss future ground game efforts.
RSVP today and stay tuned for our presenter bios, then join us on January 28th for real, immediately useful insight into how to footrace toward victory.
Date: Sunday, January 28 at 2 PM - 4 PM Location: St. Stephen's Episcopal Church 1805 W Alabama St, Houston, Texas 77098More information can be found at the Facebook link.
6. CD2 Democratic Primary Candidate Forum
The Democratic Primary candidates, running for U.S. House Representative District 2, will participate in this moderated Forum to express their stances on important issues affecting constituents in Texas’ Congressional District 2.
Candidates (as they will appear on the ballot) are: H.P. Parvizian, Ali A. Khorasani, Silky Malik, J. Darnell Jones, Todd Litton
The event begins with a Meet & Greet (6:00 pm – 6:45 pm) The Forum will begin at 7 pm.
(Attendees will be offered an opportunity to submit questions, which will be answered, as time allows, at the end of the program.)
Come meet your candidates and discover where they stand on issues of importance to you. Visit representatives from each of our partners in this event to learn how you can get more involved.
Date: Tuesday, January 23 at 6 PM - 9 PM Location: Teamsters Local Union No. 988 4303 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Houston, Texas 77032More information can be found at the Facebook link.
7. Impeachment March Houston
2018 will signify the end of the first year of Trump rule, punctuated by a direct attack on The People, including American families, civil rights and freedoms, our communities, our safety and security, government accountability, and our right to #Resist the vicious, anti-American, anti-democratic Trump-Pence Regime. Trump’s overreach into the lives of all Americans has relied on divisive rhetoric meant to crack the country in two, rob us of our savings, and obstruct justice at every turn.
This much is clear: The President is unfit for office.
On February 24 we are calling for our unfit minority President to resign his post and restore American policy to its previous mantle. This regime is a danger to us all. It must be removed in power so the United States can begin the healing process our country so desperately needs.
Join us Saturday, February 24, at noon at Houston City Hall as part of a National Impeachment Day in cities across the United States. Make a statement- no matter who you are- that autocracy and plutocracy will not rise to power and plunder in the United States of America.
March for The People. March for Freedom. March for Impeachment. #Impeach #DemocracyRising
Date: Saturday, February 17 at 12 PM - 3 PM Location: Houston City Hall More information can be found at the Facebook link.
8. March for Black Women HOU
Black Women!!!! We are a power like no other when we are joined together. We have suffered the most heinous maltreatment in this country and we are still here. Standing. Proudly. Let us gather together to celebrate each other. There is no one that understands us like us. We will celebrate the African Diaspora of womanhood in all the ways it exist. Experience the music and poetry of sisters from dynamic perspectives. Engage in the advancement of Black Lives. Connect.
This event is Black woman centered. We welcome all allies in support of black women. Be mindful that this is for us. This event will be continuously updated with artist and speakers who will be present at the march.
Date: Saturday, February 24 at 10 AM - 12 PM Location: City Hall Downtown Houston More information can be found at the Facebook link.
That's it for this week. Remember to seek out folks who are actively working for your vote in local, state, and national elections. If there's a candidate who you support, please volunteer for or donate to them. It will take ALL of us to elect officials who will work for We, the People. Have a great week! Useful resource for finding your elected officials (save the numbers in your phone!!): myreps.datamade.us
Tips on effective communication with elected officials, see Chapter 4 Opportunity 4: Indivisible Guide: Local Advocacy Tactics that Work